Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 266

Chapter 266


Chapter 266: Im Very Lucky


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Why? Gu Zi hugged his leg, her voice soft and curious.

Su Shen straightened up, his tall frame casting a shadow over her as he blocked the sunlight. Whether our parents generation was rich or poor wasnt a choice they had. Not every era had the opportunity for reform and openness, and we didnt always live in peaceful and stable times, he explained.

Su Shen understood the value of peace better than most. He knew that it was a rare and precious commodity. For a country to prosper and its people to be happy, a peaceful environment was a necessity.

Unfortunately, since the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the fate of the country had been tumultuous. Now, it seemed like things were finally settling down. In their parents time, given the national circumstances, most people lived in poverty, and they had little chance of escaping it. It wasnt due to a lack of effort, but rather the countrys need for development.

Gu Zi couldnt help but ask, So, do you believe our country will prosper in the future?

Su Shen replied confidently, Why not? Most of our parents were ordinary people, and we dont expect them to provide us with much. They couldnt even if they wanted to. But our generation lives in a time filled with opportunities. We can work hard and create better lives for ourselves. Theres no reason to doubt our countrys potential for prosperity.

A smile spread across Gu Zis face as the worries that had clouded her mind since Aunt Yangs ordeal began to dissipate. You have such wisdom, Su Shen. Its no wonder youve risen above adversity. Im truly grateful that I had the chance to meet you, she said.

Gu Zi resonated with Su Shens perspective. The fate of a nation had a profound impact on the destinies of families and every citizen. Family and country were intricately connected, and their fortunes were often intertwined. When the country thrived, so did its people. Sometimes, personal abilities couldnt overcome the constraints of poverty.

Gu Zi recognized that this was why Su Shen, as a soldier, always prioritized his military duties above all else. He understood that as long as the country was strong and stable, its citizens wouldnt suffer unduly. It was his way of protecting those he cared about.

Su Shen couldnt fathom why Gu Zi suddenly broached this topic, but her words put him at ease. He realized that, in her heart, his position as her husband now held more significance than her past love. The tension he had been carrying over the past few days gradually dissipated, replaced by a deep sense of honor in being Gu Zis husband.

Im heading back to the pig farm. Ill be back for lunch, Su Shen announced before leaning down to kis Gu Zi. She, in turn, continued her task of cleaning wild onions and headed to the kitchen to wash them.

Just as she had begun cooking rice, a commotion erupted outside. Curious, she went to investigate and found a woman in her fifties kneeling at the doorstep, with Su Jing and a few villagers as witnesses.

Upon seeing Gu Zi, the woman burst into tears and even kowtowed before her, pleading, Youre Gu Zi, arent you? I beg you, please have mercy and let our Tian Hai and the old man go! Show us a way out!

Gu Zi exchanged a look with Su Jing, whose demeanor remained composed, not indicating any involvement in this situation. It didnt seem like she had incited Tian Hail s mother to cause a scene, especially after their previous reconciliation.

There was only one plausible explanation  Tian Hails mother had insisted on coming, and Su Jing had merely followed along as she was still a part of the Tian family. But Gu Zi couldnt comprehend why Su Jing hadnt severed ties with Tian Hai. Was her attachment to him so deep that she couldnt let go?

Nonetheless, Gu Zi had no intention of prying further. Su Jing was an adult, and she had the autonomy to make her own choices.

Facing the woman kneeling before her, Gu Zi replied coolly, You make it sound as if Ive harmed your son. If youre here to beg for leniency, youve come to the wrong place. You should go to the police station. And if youve come to apologize, I dont believe theres any need for that.

She then turned her attention to Su Jing, who calmly stated, Dont worry about me. I just came back to take a look.

Gu Zi, being straightforward, didnt beat around the bush. She said plainly, I wanted to invite you inside. Youre Su Shens sister, after all. How could you not come home? But if youre here to echo Tian Hais mother, then I dont welcome you here..

